Page 19 - GEIMS Chronicle 22nd Edition-July 2022
P. 19
This device is much more effective and easy to use compared interferes with the normal behaviour of marine species like
with the conventional re ghting extinguisher which is used whales that rely on sound for their activities. Oil spills into the
on board. A method for extinguishing re without harm to ocean have devastating effects on marine life. Oil remains on
humans proximate to a re extinguishing device. the surface of the water blocking the diffusion of oxygen into
the water.
Recently, the fourth meeting of the Intergovernmental Student Corner
Conference (IGC-4) was held in New York to conclude a draft of
the instrument on the conservation and sustainable use of
marine biological diversity in areas Beyond National
Jurisdiction (BBNJ). The “BBNJ Treaty”, also known as the
“Treaty of the High Seas”, is an international agreement on the
conservation and sustainable use of marine biological
diversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction, currently
under negotiation at the United Nations.
This new instrument is being developed within the
framework of the UNCLOS, the main international agreement
Cdt Altamash Faruk Tamboli governing human activities at sea. Launched at the One
GME-52 Ocean Summit in February 2022, the High Ambition Coalition
on Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction brings together
many delegations engaged in the BBNJ negotiations on a
common and ambitious outcome at the highest political
- Cdt Shashank Singh Sanskrit has always respected and celebrated the
environment and this Shloka from Atharvaveda ts perfect in
the context- “ “which means Earth is
The term “biodiversity”, rst used almost three decades ago as my mother and I am her child.
a derivative of “biological diversity” today is one of the most
often cited terms in both ecological research and
environmental management and conservation. However, its Cdt Shashank Singh
precise de nition and understanding of the concept vary TNOC-32B
widely between and within disciplines.
Biodiversity is recognized to encompass “the variability
among living organisms from all sources including, inter alia, IMPACT OF GREENHOUSE EFFECT ON MARITIME
terrestrial, marine, and other aquatic ecosystems and the
ecological complexes of which they are part; this includes INDUSTRY - Cdt Nikita Nimbalkar
diversity within species, between species, and of ecosystems.”
The Greenhous Effect is a complex process that has been
When we look at the sea, it is usually hard to imagine what life
is like and what species exist beneath the waves. We usually happening since the formation of the earth's atmosphere. The
don't realize there is a whole different world down there, with greenhouse effect keeps the heat from escaping the earth's
its mountains, valleys, and animals that only a few of us have atmosphere out in space. If there was no Greenhouse effect,
the earth's annual temperature would have been very low.
seen and which remain largely unexplored.
Some of these gases include Carbon dioxide, Methane,
The Earth's tallest mountain, longest mountain range, and Nitrous Oxide, and uorinated gases. The potential of these
deepest canyon are all found in the ocean. The variety of living gases to trap heat is what causes the greenhouse
things that exist in this soup of biological sea life is called phenomenon however due to human activities, the
marine biodiversity. Globally there are more species of sh in concentration of Carbon Dioxide is increasing rapidly.
the oceans than all the mammals, reptiles, and birds In the past few decades, the proportions have soared from
12% to 18%. According to Survey Black Carbon accounts for
Many scientists believe the ocean has far more variety of concerning 21% of the shipping sector creating the foremost
species than land because so much marine life remains industry for emissions. About 962 million tonnes of Carbon
undiscovered. The areas where many species are yet to be Dioxide were emitted throughout the globe whereas the
discovered lie with the smaller animals and plants and in the shipping sector in the year 2012. The percentage increased by
deep sea. Some scientists believe that there may be 10 million 9.3% which is about 1056 million tonnes of carbon emission.
undiscovered species in the deep sea alone! Marine Most commercial shipping companies use heavy Fuel Oil
biodiversity and ecosystem are facing threats from various since it is much cheaper compared to re ned Diesel Oil. But
sources including shipping, shing, climate change, and this low-cost Heavy Fuel Oil does not re ect its impact on the
emerging human activities such as bioprospecting and deep- environment and human health. When this fossil oil burns It
sea mining. emits Black Carbon that signi cantly gives rise to climate
The noise produced by ships often travels long distances and change.
GEIMS CHRONICLE Twenty Second Edition July 2022 19