Page 11 - MBFI-study-01
P. 11


            Former Operations and Training Officer
            Force Reconnaissance Group
            Headquarters Philippine Marine Corps, Fort Bonifacio, Taguig City
            Field of specialization: Special Operations /
            Marine Amphibious Warfare (Infantry) /
            Intelligence / Education and Training
            Years in service: 19

            The life of a soldier is marked by the constant shadow of danger,   Further, Maj. Dimayuga’s stints as Intelligence Officer of Marine
            and fuelled by the rallying cry of putting others’ welfare before   Battalion Landing Team-4 and Operations Officer of Marine
            one’s own—all in service of the people and the country. That in   Battalion Landing Team-12 from 2013 to 2014 and 2017 to 2018,
            itself is a daunting prospect. This, however, did not deter    respectively, marked his crucial role in the successful counter-
            Maj. Romulo G. Dimayuga II, who grew up harboring the dream   communist insurgency operations against the Communist Party
            of following in his father’s footsteps. He knew the risks of being   of the Philippines-New People’s Army-National Democratic Front
            on the frontlines yet he kept being driven onward.   (CPP-NPA-NDF) in Northern Palawan.

            Nineteen (19) years into the military service, Maj. Dimayuga   The province has had a long history of being plagued by
            has held a number of key positions as a Marine officer and has   communist insurgency activities. This was the situation Maj.
            rendered game-changing contributions to the military.  Dimayuga and his troops aimed to transform. For them, restoring
                                                                peace not only meant defeating the enemies, but, primarily,
            In 2006, his leadership as a platoon commander of a Force Recon   creating an environment where communities can thrive.
            Platoon was key to crippling the forces of the most notorious
            terrorist group in the country by infiltrating their stronghold   To achieve this, Maj. Dimayuga’s unit used an innovative yet
            in Sulu. This led to the neutralization of its top leader who was   pragmatic approach rooted in promoting a productive and
            tagged as one of the most wanted men in Southeast Asia and   lasting relationship with the locals. They knocked on every
            was listed as one of FBI’s most wanted terrorists. This news made   resident’s door to learn about their needs and at the same time
            headlines. Dimayuga and his platoon suffered losses and incurred   to send the message across that they can be their allies. These
            injuries during this campaign, but they continue to remember   efforts have contributed to the declaration of Palawan province
            this as a victory for the country against terrorism.  as a “Zone of Sustained Peace, Development,
                                                                and Prosperity” in 2014.

                                       ME TR OBANK FOUND ATION  11  2021 OUT STANDING FILIPINOS
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