Page 42 - Biotech Career Guide
P. 42

A Focus On
Our Planet
Many biotech companies work to make our
world healthier. Here are a few.
Saving the planet means
cleaning up and protecting
everything from the seas to
the trees, from the air we breathe to
the soil beneath our feet to the wa-
ter we drink, clean with, and use to
grow food. If you care about healing
the environment and fighting global
climate change, biotechnology can
be a great way for you to contribute.
Read below to discover how biotech
companies are developing incredi-
ble solutions to these challenges.
BioCarbon Engineering
Biotech innovation: Use drones
and biotechnology to plant trees
in deforested areas.
How? Drones flying very low to the
ground shoot specialized tree seed-
pods into sites identified as viable
for new growth. Ten times faster
and vastly cheaper than replanting
forests by hand, this technology can
help restore ecosystems, promote
biodiversity, and combat climate
change by removing carbon dioxide
from the atmosphere.
Carbon Clean Solutions
Biotech innovation: Develop tech-
nologies to scrub carbon dioxide
(CO2) out of factory emissions.
How? Highly efficient, cost-effec-
tive biotech processes help capture
CO2 in waste generated by power
plants, cement production, and steel
manufacturing before it can escape
into the atmosphere. These cap-
tured CO2 emissions can then be
converted into raw materials suit-
able for making useful, biodegrad-
able products or into non-toxic
chemicals easy and safe to store.
By cleaning up streams of industrial
waste, these technologies contrib-
ute to reducing greenhouse gas
emissions and combating climate
Ecovative Design
Biotech innovation: Use mycelium,
the root structure of mushrooms,
to create sustainable alternatives
to traditional materials.
How? Mycelium-based materials
are used for packaging, insulation,

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