Page 43 - Biotech Career Guide
P. 43

and other applications, offering
eco-friendly alternatives to single-
use plastics and harmful materials.
These mushroom-based alternatives
are renewable, biodegradable, and
have a low environmental impact
compared to conventional materials.
Indigo Agriculture
Biotech innovation: Craft coatings
for seeds laced with beneficial
microbes that enhance crop yields
and reduce reliance on synthetic
fertilizers and pesticides.
How? Specially developed microbes
supercharge the ability of crops to
grow, resist disease, and thrive even
under harsh conditions. Fortifying
plants to protect themselves helps
to promote sustainable farming
practices, increase agricultural pro-
ductivity, and minimize the use of
harmful chemicals.
Newlight Technologies
Biotech innovation: Convert
methane, a potent greenhouse gas,
into a biodegradable plastic called
How? In nature, trees remove
carbon from the air in the process
of making leaves. This technology
does the same, using microorgan-
isms to pull greenhouse gases out
of the atmosphere and convert them
into an eco-friendly plastic substi-
tute — which is both dishwasher-
safe and compostable! The result?
Less pollution, cleaner air, and a
versatile, biodegradable alternative
to fossil fuel-derived plastics.

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