Page 18 - AI & Your Career review copy
P. 18

rt On Yo r
AI Sk en lls To ay
Ge  re dy fo  an ce  AI ed enhanced wo kforce by
bu lding a  G   A e o o ndation wh le in  a hi h sc ool.
L rning ho  to us l  l   a  i o s k ,
e c a h e l me l is ns
de eloping a  i o s k ,
ll. I s th  sa e,
w ther th r t  to l me l is a  i o s e ing ma -
ch ne, a i o c a h e khammer, o MS .  Wo d. O ificial in elligence.
T ge  an  ke p al ost an  jo  in  er  of AI  y  wi l ne d to de elop
an  di play AI sk lls. E n if yo  ha e
no pl n to de ign or de elop AI sy -
te s, s lls wi h AI to ls wi l he p yo u
su ceed in th  AI saturated wo kplace
ah ad fo  ne rly ev ryone. A yo  pl t
yo r co rse fr m hi h sc ool th ough
fu ther le rning an  th n in o a  i   a e eer,
b su e to ma e AI sk ll-building pa t
of th  jo rney.
4 o   i vative, imaginative solutions to prob-
lems wherever possible.
Skillful use of AI requires understand-
mbe words, how to work effectively and
imaginatively with people who might
ow so ot  ke  cultural, and ethical considerations
shape ways that AI should — and
should not — be used.
Take an Online AI Class
Regular coursework, however, is just
art  s ook f specifically about AI itself. Online AI
High School Classes
g c g  broad-based high school coursework.
learning resources are growing fast,
and lots of them are designed to im-
part literacy-oriented, non-technical
  o n   - levels of understanding. (See box on
 y maj any professional setting, whether they
ca ca  d W  OP or w
an f h is W  g
sk and weaknesses.
sk ide -
i e
R ca ve g
sk ide -
i e
After High School
OP are part of your options for further
Try Out Coding
education. Both two- and four-year
RE IEW  colleges are racing to figure out how
ry to incorporate AI content into their
programs. For highly technical, math-
3. Add some computer science, data
s these core learning tasks.
c e
a n  he pr r  and computer-intensive pathways
community. Working collaboratively
rs and
o on open-ended design challenges will
bu lders  f  ctual A sys INEERING.COM AI & ER
2 EN 

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