Page 19 - AI & Your Career review copy
P. 19

All of these programs are free
and easily found via online
 p f
G Google’s Applied Digital Skills
- line multimedia lessons offering
hands-on, real-world AI learning
AI Literacy Lessons for Grades
6-12: from Common Sense Me-
 o minutes or less.
CRAFT: Stanford University-de-
veloped AI literacy resources
son  activities.
c :
r n e co DeepMind, the most technically
advanced of the group, but still
focused on AI literacy.
page 44. For general student popula-
o   - proaches range greatly, and it can take
g fi g that works for you.
Community Colleges
Two innovative community college
C am kt  i ri fo -
gr  i ri fo en lege in - AI Co -c to vant knowledge and practical skills for
g ff e course certificate program called AI
Awareness, which can stand alone as
g I  more technical degrees in AI at the
g n quickly growing numbers at two-year
F Four-Year Schools
F un evolving rapidly. The University of
te g  rap practices into coursework across the
entire undergraduate curriculum, re-
flecting the pervasive impact that AI
p re sector of the economy. The same im-
peratives driving the Florida efforts
ng college, too. Make sure the schools
you like offer real opportunities to
ink tools.
If you want to delve more deeply
into AI learning but still steer clear
 d o t h  clear
of gre consider programs in Science and

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