Page 21 - AI & Your Career review copy
P. 21
CAREERS: Healthcare
Fu ure
of Me icine
AI powered di gnoses an su port fo r
do tors us er in e
A a o e f .
er of ca e.
I u’ g di u’ g di y i a field, you will almost cer-
er A y i day-to-day basis. Numerous
ces d medicine, so much so, that
some hospitals are hiring
chief artificial intelligence
c - ples of AI in medicine:
Reading Scans and
Diagnosing Disease
Analyzing MRIs, CT scans
a c time-consuming, and stress-
ful process for doctors. To
a s - tify a problem with a scan
could be life-threatening for
the patient. Fortunately, this
of at. Companies like Aidoc
and have developed
AI algorithms to analyze
medical scans. Doctors who
use these systems say it
finds problems like tumors
or fractures with high accu-
racy, sometimes even better
than humans. Google aims
to eliminate MRIs and CT
scans altogether: the com-
pany has made break-
- dict heart disease through,
yes, eye scans. Your eyes
a r heart health.
w called has devel-
s a i g c stroke. With this platform,
patients need only wait a
s nosis instead of weeks. The
quickly find relevant and
actionable clinical trials for
their patients.
failure to sleep issues. Re-
mote monitoring helps
manage chronic diseases
error rate is less than one
da mp Monitoring
for personalized care.
percent for radiologists, re-
Patients Remotely
ducing missed lung cancer
A Patient Support
cases by 60 percent.
wearable device equipped
A company called
gn -
e cer ening diseases. They’ve
AI-powered chatbots and
virtual assistants from com-
continuously monitored,
panies like InTouch Health
with healthcare staff receiv-
provide patient support, an-
ing alerts for any anomalies
REVIEW wer med built an enormous library of
or potential health issues.
assist with appointment
clinical and molecular data
Several companies have
scheduling, reducing ad-
of patients with similar con-
developed these devices,
ministrative burdens on
i o including Phillips, Honey-
healthcare staff.
make that data accessible
well, and Vivify Health.
nd g
and u y
Patie ful Patients can be monitored
can also help doctors
ing Help with Paperwork
Doctors often express frus-
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