Page 22 - AI & Your Career review copy
P. 22

tra effort they must dedicate to
administrative tasks. These
tasks include typing de-
tailed patient notes into
electronic medical records,
which are necessary for pa-
tient treatment plans and
billing. Companies like
Abridge, Ambience Health-
the me t cue with AI software that
e (or electronic) patient-doc-
o   r clinical document, saving
up to three hours per day.
Another benefit has been
to improve the experience
of the patient visit since
doctors can focus on their
patient instead of typing
notes. Plus patients get
d a visit to stay on top of meds
is  good news, since research
has found that patients
p percent of what doctors
and nurses tell them during
their visits.
Future Role:
Assist in Surgery?
rea robots extensively on oper-
ating tables for precise,
minimally-invasive surger-
ies. Companies like John-
son & Johnson, Medtronic,
 Bu are taking the next logical
step by working on AI-as-
sisted surgeries. After re-
 s  s lit he  30 seconds of an operation
and provide additional over-
sight during the surgery.
In the future, AI-based
surgical systems could map
out an approach to each
patient’s surgical needs to
guide and streamline surgi-
cal procedures. AI might
offer suggestions such as
    bubble test.” Eventually,
AI also will likely be able
 s through the robot, including
l a a Most AI and robotic sur-
gery experts seem to agree
f  controlled surgical robot
completely replacing hu-
man surgeons is improba-
 a to augment the surgeon’s
decision-making and execu-
tion skills, not replace them.
With hospitals notoriously
tor  and do famously overworked, AI
co a  t a   better patient experience.
Ne   rugs &
Perso alized
Tre On the  edical
me  s de, A  helps
sci ntis s fi w
drugs fa ter  lyzi g d ta a k-
ing pred ction  about
e ffic cy and achine l mod ls a e  red ct ho  drugs
i tera t with s arg ts and e e
their afety.  oivant
S ie ces is o ompa y wi ver
4  d ugs in d ment.
I als  hel tomize tr t
plan  b  a p s d on a
p rson’s  ene ic in-
fo ation,  sto y, and li yle.
A  ompany
bioS ntag s
AI to el minate trial-
an -error cancer
tre tm nts by l king
a pa ient’s “ u-
lar finge pri t” and
iden ify ng t t
among  arious -
p es f r that p u-
lar erso . Thi s
make tre s
more eff ect edu es the  f side   C R 

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