Page 31 - AI & Your Career review copy
P. 31

CAREERS: Manufacturing
F ter, S er
On th  as embly li e wi h hu ans,
A bo sts ef iciency an  qu lity.
M Manufacturing is yet
production efficiency.
another field get-
These companies and
  many others also use collab-
 AI orative robots (cobots)
both the business and tech-
equipped with AI, which
nical side, manufacturing
professionals are taking ad-
vantage of what’s possible
work alongside human
workers, enhancing produc-
tivity and flexibility. The
el Coca-Cola Company uses
EV  b in Robotics
Aut ine ma n manufacturing, you proba-
bly think of robotics, and
rightly so. Companies like
Amazon use robots to move
items back and forth and to
pick and pack orders. Car
companies like BMW, Ford,
MW, ro -
ture and assemble vehicles.
Robots with AI vision sys-
wel assemble cars with incredi-
on.  al tive and dangerous tasks,
such as lifting and assem-
bling heavy materials — im-
proving worker safety and
packaging facilities to im-
prove production efficiency
and quality control. Procter
& Gamble has adopted co-
bots in its consumer goods
production, including tasks
d m handling. Some cobots can
learn tasks, avoid physical
sid side with humans. Universal
a r o n a  i a r o n a wide range of clients across
different industries.
Quality Control
Manufacturing errors can
make automobiles and air-
planes deadly, so quality
s criti -
ers are ers are better than humans
at detecting anomalies,
AI &  R
34 NG 

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