Page 32 - AI & Your Career review copy
P. 32

defects, and imperfections,
so many manufacturing
companies have adopted
AI-powered image recogni-
tion and computer vision
an operations. One well-known
e r global manufacturing and
technology company. Sie-
mens uses this technology
ec o  facturing components and
finished products, allowing
 to  issues before products are
shipped to customers.
Semiconductor compa-
nies, including Samsung,
Google, and NVIDIA, also
se ing to control quality, opti-
mize chip design, and im-
prove manufacturing. Many
other manufacturing com-
panies across different in-
dustries, such as electron-
ics and consumer goods,
have also embraced AI-
powered image recognition
 en hance quality control.
Making Predictions
di  t anticipate possible machin-
ery issues can save time
on sensor data from connected
nt  maintenance records to pre-
s a schedule maintenance pro-
actively, avoiding unex-
pected production down-
time. General Electric
pioneered predictive main-
te  t ability and efficiency of their
industrial equipment, such
ne bines, and locomotives.
Similarly, IBM provides pre-
dictive maintenance tech-
nology that Washington,
DC, uses to help maintain
its water hydrants. Mean-
pa provides predictive
maintenance systems for
more than 10,000 control
valves and critical equip-
ment for Shell and for Con
 for  serves more than 7 million
AI can also predict how
    l Companies like Walmart
e  sales data and market
trends to develop more in-
formed sales forecasts. This
forecasting helps them opti-
ven -
s sure that the right products
are available when custom-
ers want them.
What does the future hold
for AI and manufacturing?
Speed, precision, and qual-
ity control in manufacturing
will certainly improve as
more AI systems are imple-
mented. And as machines
become smarter, they will
 a more repetitive tasks, free-
spend  time solving other problems.

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