Page 42 - AI & Your Career review copy
P. 42
com uter pro machine learning, at its most basic,
t h n eat Y
m c d Called algorithms, these instructions
tell the system what sense to make of
je da set features one-by-one to arrive at deci-
r he t. le he system learns to detect spam emails
by ma -
ference between the two.
With Programming,
ear ng,
the ers with expertise in computer pro-
gramming and data analysis work to-
l l n machine learning system. They devise
models of what they want the AI sys-
tem to identify and judge, write com-
pro algorithms driving machine learning
or tem performance to make sure it does
wh an -
geringly complex. Identifying spam
emails is one of the simple problems.
Monitoring traffic conditions via
pes e h ally difficult machine learning opera-
tions include self-driving cars, robotic
nd ing AI systems to changeable circum-
l u chine learning called deep learning,
which takes place within complex
computer-based reasoning structures
called neural networks.
Ne b Neural networks are based loosely on
how neurons connect inside our brains
s s quential layers of data processing op-
erations, neural networks can assess
at t ular machine learning systems. In image
recognition systems, for example, each
a l y u e i t e d c h e e be d n e ne om e i t e be de ixe om ixe i pixel. This process would repeat itself
pi system could decide whether the pic-
ture is of, say, the tan and white coat
c i i w c i i Neural networks are titanic combi-
od w c ing xpe xpe teamwork across fields such as com-
puter science, neurology, math, net-
work design, numerous engineering
pr pr management. Among others! Employ-
ers compete fiercely for the small
numbers of people – and teams of
people – with these skills. It can take
xte work experience, but for people who
i ti re-
wards can be limitless.
And You Get Magic
t M ma s
f pe work in complex, carefully designed
combination across multiple, diverse
fields of learning. Nobody can learn
everything they need to do this work
o learn something about what makes an
e e nd a ing careers around. Keep reading to find
out what kind of degree programs are
out there to help you learn what you
need to know to make the “magic” of
a career in AI into reality for you.