Page 44 - AI & Your Career review copy
P. 44

Com unity
Col ege
Uni University of
 t den circumstances.
Community College
y C o-ye Purdue
munity college, degree pro-
gram. Community college
programs are often closely
aligned with local employ-
ers’ needs, teaching stu-
dents concrete, specific
skills that prepare them
  t i n  act munity colleges adapt and
adjust more quickly than
four-year schools to chang-
g w dy plentiful and substantive.
A program sponsored by
Intel called AI for Work-
force offers community col-
ff   e se of  I  tudy, over 700 hours of course
ng  room instructors, and guid-
ance on successfully run-
ram ve r  and the program continues
to grow. With the Intel name
ogr ed to t students can be sure they
are learning currently rele-
vant skills directly related to
workplace needs.
Community colleges are
AI car scope of their programs
beyond the traditional two-
year, associate degree level
to include four-year bache-
lor’s offerings. Already
available at Houston Com-
munity College, four-year
in -
nc ege
fou Co College, Coastline Commu-
tl ty
e i Community College in
Arizona. All offering com-
prehensive training in work-
ll programs promise to make
AI careers accessible to
many students who might
find more traditional four-
year schools out of reach.
Four-Year Colleges
l -
a c lege AI program, you would
learn more academic con-
tent about AI systems — the
“basics of AI” mentioned
above — instead of devel-
oping hands-on AI skills.
And here is where students
need to do their own re-
search. Not all AI programs
will suit every student’s
needs. Make sure you can
t ge
ull basics, supplemented with
instruction addressing the
social, ethical, and eco-
nomic dimensions of AI sys-
tems. Issues like data pri-
vacy, bias in AI algorithms
and outputs, equitable man-
agement of datasets, ef-
fects on people’s jobs, and
gen social good are vital consid-
erations for AI profession-
als, as well as the rest of us.
degree in AI was Carnegie-
i i a   i program that started in
2018. It offers exemplary
d dational disciplines of AI, as
well as full attention to the
in e
AI car the University of Pennsyl-
vania, offer similarly struc-
tured AI degree programs.
Purdue University offers an

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