Page 8 - Final Annual Report 2020
P. 8

Forward in Faith Together Committee 2020 Annual Report

                        Kelly Adduci, Rena Bickel, Dan Geary, Kevin Greer, Carol Moore, Jack Potter, Eve Smith,
                                          Diane Anderson, Janet Walsh, Pastor John Hudson

              In March, Pilgrim Church closed its doors in response to the rapidly developing pandemic. Pastor John assembled a
             committee to study, review and make recommendations on the reopening of our sanctuary and church building for in-
             person  worship and activities beginning in September. The Forward In Faith Together (FIFT) committee, a cross-
             section of 10 individuals within the church, studied public health guidelines for houses of worship as issued by the
             Massachusetts Department of Public Health, the Governor’s Office and the Centers for Disease Control; sought
             guidance from the Massachusetts Conference of the United Church of Christ; surveyed area houses of worship.
             FIFT created and administered a church-wide survey to learn about people’s response to the pandemic and how they
             felt about returning to in-person worship. That survey was answered by 97 people and/or households.

             As a result of this research and discussion, the committee developed specific protocols for in-person ministry and
             meetings at church. It was determined in a shared decision by shared decision by FIFT, Parish Board, Deacons and
             staff  that Pilgrim Church would physically reopen in mid-September, on a very limited basis, for worship and select
             in-person gatherings in the church building.  With on-line worship services continuing, it was determined that a
             maximum of 30 individuals could safely be in the sanctuary for worship. Twelve “pods” were created among the
             pews for individuals or family groups to sign-up for ahead of worship. Worship leaders have been separated from
             attendees by at least 30 feet, the services are no longer than 45 minutes and there is  no communal singing. Of course,
             for those signing up to attend worship the protocols of  wearing a mask at all times and  remaining  physically
             distanced from others while in the building have been maintained.

             FIFT continues to gauge how our regathering is working and is keeping a very close eye on public health metrics as
             we navigate together as one.

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