Page 21 - PR_Health_Safety_Plan_Working_Document71320
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○  (7-8) Students will travel to Unified Arts classes as usual. Procedures for cleaning
                          shared materials and equipment will be taught at the beginning of each nine weeks as
                          students rotate through each Unified Art course.
                       ○  (9-12) Students will be taught to clean shared materials and equipment and reminded of
                          procedures frequently.

         Safety and Security
               ●   The district will implement the Emergency Operations Plan.
               ●   Additional security will be provided at critical points in the day.

         Curriculum (Students)
               ●   Training will occur for all students in hygiene and all relevant aspects of the Health and Safety
                   Plan. Big ideas include: hygiene practices (e.g., hand washing, covering coughs/sneezes, face
                   coverings, etc.); germs; keeping self and others health; and appropriate action if you feel sick.
               ●   The training and learning activities are referenced in each section.

          Health and Safety Plan Communications

                                            Lead Person                                              Completion
                Topic          Audience                      Mode of Communications      Start Date
                                            and Position                                                Date
          Guidelines & Fall   Families, Staff   R. Hathhorn/   eBlast, email and possible rapid call,  June 2020    Ongoing
          Options                         Director of    website, posters, etc.
          Closure/Move to   Families, Staff   R. Hathhorn/   Rapid call, eBlast, email   As Needed   As Needed
          Online Learning for All         Director of
          Survey/Input      Families, Staff   R. Hathhorn/   Preliminary Survey & In-Depth Survey  June 2020   Ongoing if
                                          Director of                                   July 2020   needed  for
                                          Communications                                August 2020  feedback &
          Contact Tracing   Principals,   K. Justus, Asst.  Discussion with key point-of-contact:  August of   September
          Communication     teachers, and   Supt. of     Principals, teachers, and nurses   2020    2020
          with principals,   nurses       Elementary and
          teachers, and nurses,           Nurses
          etc., for standard
          protocol and

          Hotline for Concerns  Families, Staff   R. Hathhorn/   Hotline/Details shared in   August 2020  Ongoing
                                          Director of    communication
                                          & Alexia Meijer
          Scripts for       Community,    R. Hathhorn/   Scripts via Google Docs for key front  August 2020  As Needed
          Secretaries/Front   parents, etc.   Director of   office
          Offices                         Communications

          Closing Templates   Families, Staff   R. Hathhorn/   Templates via Google Docs for instant August 2020  Ongoing
                                          Director of    access

          Visitor Guidelines   Community,   R. Hathhorn/   Share guidelines via eBlasts, signs on  August 2020  September
                            parents, etc.   Director of   doors (Nurses/Principals),  etc.          2020

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