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2018-2019 Wexford Elementary Handbook & Program of Studies
I would like to welcome you to Wexford
Elementary School. As we begin the 2018-2019
school year, I extend a warm welcome to you
and your family. I also hope you had time to
relax and time to enjoy your summer vacation.
Hopefully, your child is excited about coming to
school. We sincerely believe that parents should
be active participants in their child’s school
program, so I invite you to get involved in
classroom activities, school and district wide
committees, the PTO, and the many exciting
Wexford events and projects that take place
throughout the school year.
Our goal at Wexford is to provide each student
with learning experiences that will develop
academic, social, physical, and emotional success. We believe that each child is an individual with excellent potential
to grow in all areas. At the start of the school year, a concerted effort will be made to get to know each student of our
school community through introductions and classroom visits. It is important that the students know that they are
valued and respected in this educational journey.
Establishing a relationship with parents is of particular importance. This partnership is a natural occurrence. In its
simplest form it reveals that we need each other as we share the role of shaping the future. Together, we are stronger
than we could ever be on our own. It is this partnership that every child deserves and craves. We have the greatest
responsibility of all; caring for children. We are proud to be in this partnership with you and welcome you on an
incredible journey through the eyes of your child. We will be right by your side, sometimes the driver and other times
the passenger. Some days we will have questions and other days, answers. We expect the same to be true from every
parent and family. We educate every child at Wexford! We will teach them the academics needed to thrive in our
society! We will teach them how to work as a member of a team! We will teach each and every student what it means
to value learning and look for opportunities for it in every situation!
We will do all of this and more, but we will need you alongside for the ride! We invite you to be a full-fledged member
of the Wexford community. We invite you to be a major contributor in what promises to be a special year for your
sons and daughters. So welcome to the 2018-2019 school year! We are “Rooted in Caring…Reaching for Excellence…”
at Wexford Elementary School.
Educationally Yours,
Rick A. Walsh
Dr. Rick A. Walsh
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