Page 18 - k_3 Handbook 2022_23 5192022
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2022-2023 Elementary Handbook & Program of Studies
If arrangements have been made for your child to go home with a friend after school, it is necessary for both you and the
parents of your child’s friend to send in separate notes indicating the names of the children and the bus number they will be
riding. Bus passes are issued from the office. Bus drivers are not to admit a student on an alternate bus without a bus pass.
Student Transportation of America reserves the right to restrict the issuance of bus passes on specific buses that are at full
capacity. Parents will be notified of buses that have reached capacity.
Bus transportation is provided by the school district for students during the regular school day. Bus routes and stops are
determined by the transportation office. All students are encouraged to utilize bus transportation on a regular basis.
Students are permitted to walk or ride a bike to school only when the parent and the school have granted permission.
Transportation for students involved in activities beyond the school day where transportation is not provided is the
responsibility of the parent.
It is Pine-Richland School District’s practice not to leave any kindergarten student at the bus stop unless there is a
parent or guardian to greet them. If the parent or guardian is not present, the bus driver will return the student to
school or the bus depot, and the parent will be contacted to pick up their child. Parents can write a letter to their
child’s school stating an older sibling, relative, or another adult will be authorized to meet the kindergarten student at
the bus stop.
Pine-Richland School District has implemented a system to better identify all PA kindergarten students who are
transported on a school bus in the afternoon. An orange tag will be attached to every child’s backpack. The tag will
serve as a visual reminder for the bus driver that a parent or guardian must be at the stop to receive the student.
Information regarding the bus stop times and locations is established by Student Transportation of America and is
distributed to parents via the Community Web Portal before the beginning of the school year. Please contact
Student Transportation of America at 724-502-4614 if you have any questions or concerns.