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Promotion Requirements
● To receive credit for a course, a student must earn a D (60%) or better.
● Promotion from 9 to 10th grade requires a student to earn at least 6 credits.
● Promotion from 10th to 11th grade requires a student to earn a combined total of at least 12 credits.
● Promotion from 11th grade to 12th grade requires a student to earn a combined total of at least 18 credits.
● Special Considerations
o Regardless of the number of promotion credits, students must pass all required subjects to graduate.
● Promotion requirements are reviewed at the end of each year. Students and parents are informed
if a student is not promoted.
Incomplete Grades
Students who have not completed the work for a class assigned during a quarter can receive an incomplete grade
on their report card. Students have two weeks after the report card is distributed to complete the missing work. If
the work is not completed within two weeks of distribution of the report card, the missing work will be marked as a
zero and a new quarter grade will be calculated.
Failed Courses
Students must work with their school counselors or a building administrator to plan how the course credit will be
made up. Options to recover credits necessary for graduation are:
1. Repeat the course at PRHS in the following academic year. Both grades will appear on the transcript. The
new grade may replace the old grade in the student’s grade point average calculation.
2. Attend a regularly accredited summer school. The failed course will be calculated into a student’s grade point
average. The recovered course will not be calculated into a student’s grade point average.
3. Pass a licensed correspondence course that has prior approval. See your counselor for additional
information*. Per Policy 124, all fees for non-PRHS courses are the student’s responsibility. The failed course
will be calculated into a student’s grade point average. The recovered course will not be calculated into a
student’s grade point average.
4. Take a pre-approved course online over the summer*. Per Policy 124, all fees for non-PRHS courses are the
student’s responsibility. The failed course will be calculated into a student’s grade point average. The
recovered course will not be calculated into a student’s grade point average.
*These options will impact NCAA eligibility. Individuals that desire to participate in collegiate athletics should
advise their counselor prior to finalizing an option for credit recovery.
2021-2022 Pine-Richland High School Program of Studies (Table of Contents) 12