Page 77 - PRHS Program Studies 21_22
P. 77
Course Title: Painting Credit Value: 0.5
Course Number: 105220 Term(s) Offered: Semester
Prerequisite(s): Completion of Introduction to Art or Open to Grades: 10, 11, 12
Advanced Placement: Art History
Career Cluster(s): Arts, Audio/Video Technology and Communications Science, Technology, Engineering and
Information Technology Mathematics
Description: In this course, students focus on various painting techniques using paint media. Painting media includes,
but is not limited to, watercolor, acrylic, and digital painting. Themes of student are based on the Elements and Principles
of Design. Emphasis is placed on drawing and painting from observation, color theory, abstraction and expression.
Themes are developed using the human figure, landscape and still-life. Individual and class critiques are integrated in
studio practices and Painting routines. Master Artists of history inform processes and subjects studied. Successful
completion of this course can be preparation for Advanced Placement Studio Art: Drawing.
Course Title: Photography & Illustration Credit Value: 0.5
Course Number: 105230 Term(s) Offered: Semester
Prerequisite(s): Completion of Introduction to Art or Open to Grades: 10, 11, 12
Advanced Placement: Art History
Career Cluster(s): Arts, Audio/Video Technology and Communications Science, Technology, Engineering and
Information Technology Mathematics
Description: In this course, students focus on various visual storytelling techniques using photography and illustration
media. Photography and illustration media includes, but is not limited to, digital photography, ink drawing, digital
collage and digital painting. Themes of study are based on concept development in the Elements and Principles of Design.
Emphasis is placed on originality and creative problem- solving. Themes are developed using the human figure,
landscape and still-life. Individual and class critiques are integrated in studio practices and Photography & Illustration
routines. Master artists of history inform processes and subjects studied. Successful completion of this course can be
preparation for Advanced Placement Studio Art: 2-D Design.
Course Title: Sculpture Credit Value: 0.5
Course Number: 105300 Term(s) Offered: Semester
Prerequisite(s): Completion of Introduction to Art or Open to Grades: 10, 11, 12
Advanced Placement: Art History
Career Cluster(s): Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources Hospitality and Tourism
Architecture and Construction Information Technology
Arts, Audio/Video Technology and Communications Manufacturing
Education and Training Science, Technology, Engineering and
Health Science Mathematics
Description: In this course, students explore two main processes utilized in creating sculpture. The “additive” process,
such as paper mache’, where students create an armature and build or “add on” to the piece to create it. The course will
also explore the “subtractive” process, where material is removed to create the form, such as plaster carving. Sketching,
enlarging and planning processes will be covered to take designs from the beginning stage to the completed form.
Historical and contemporary sculptors will be covered and used as inspiration for course assignments.
2021-2022 Pine-Richland High School Program of Studies (Table of Contents) 77