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Course Title: Women’s Ensemble Credit Value: 1.0
Course Number: 105640 Term(s) Offered: Full Year
Prerequisite(s): Prior participation in a high school curricular Open to Grades: 10, 11, 12
choir OR two years participation in a high school
music reading ensemble and selection by
Career Cluster(s): Arts, Audio/Video Technology and Communications
Description: Women’s Ensemble is a highly select ensemble dedicated to choral music written for treble voices in two,
three, and four parts. This class encompasses a large area of challenging repertoire and sight-reading is essential.
Emphasis is placed on tone production, musicality, and developing the advanced singer. Attendance at rehearsals and
concert performances is required for those who select this course.
Course Title: Harmony & Theory Credit Value: 0.5
Course Number: 105710 Term(s) Offered: Semester
Prerequisite(s): Two years in a PRHS performing arts ensemble Open to Grades: 11, 12
OR instructor approval
Career Cluster(s): Arts, Audio/Video Technology and Communications
Description: The purpose of Harmony and Theory is to enhance a student’s existing musical skills and to provide a better
understanding of the foundational mechanics of music. Throughout the semester, students will study notation, scales,
key signatures, intervals, cadences, non-chord tones and harmonic analysis of a musical score. Additionally, rhythmic,
harmonic and melodic dictation will be taught. This course is strongly recommended for any student considering a music
major or minor in college or for any student that wishes to expand their musical base of knowledge.
Course Title: Music Technology Credit Value: 0.5
Course Number: 105720 Term(s) Offered: Semester
Prerequisite(s): None Open to Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12
Career Cluster(s): Arts, Audio/Video Technology and Communications Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
Description: Music Technology is a course designed to introduce students to the basic programs and techniques used in
the process of creating and recording music. Class activities include software introduction, music composition, recording
and mixing of sounds. Computer and piano background are helpful but not necessary.
Course Title: Beginner Piano Credit Value: 0.5
Course Number: 105730 Term(s) Offered: Semester
Prerequisite(s): No prior piano experience Open to Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12
Career Cluster(s): Arts, Audio/Video Technology and Communications
Description: Piano is a course designed to introduce the student to the proper playing of the piano and simple song
performance. Music notation, hand position and rhythmic accuracy are emphasized. This course is for students who
have had no prior piano experience.
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