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2019-2020 Richland Elementary Handbook & Program of Studies

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your child, please contact your child’s homeroom teacher. If you
have general questions, you may also contact the office staff. Since staff members are teaching throughout the day,
e-mail may be the most efficient method for contacting your child’s teacher. A staff directory and contact information
for the guidance counselor and front office staff is available for each primary school.

Richland Elementary - staff directory, school counselor, and office contacts

Question Regarding      Who to Contact
Enrollment/New Student
                        Central Office - by appointment only
Medical                 Transportation Coordinator and/or
Classroom Concern       Student Transportation of America (STA)
Peer Issues
Attendance              School Nurse
Food Service/Lunches
Tutoring                Your child’s teacher at Richland
Home Access Center      Elementary - staff directory

                        Your child’s teacher & the school counselor at
                        Richland Elementary - staff directory & school counselor

                        Office Staff or Guidance Counselor at
                        Richland Elementary - school counselor and office contacts

                        General Manager for the Food Service Department

                        Your child’s teacher & the school counselor at
                        Richland Elementary - staff directory and school counselor

                        Building Representatives

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