Page 12 - MS Handbook 2022_23 5192022
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behave appropriately in the cafeteria risk losing cafeteria privileges and can face further
disciplinary consequences.
At PRMS, we recognize that part of the middle school experience is
about giving students the opportunity to explore possible career
paths. Middle school is an exciting time where kids have the
chance to think about the endless possibilities that their life can
hold. As a part of that experience, your child will take a career
cluster survey that will show them suggested career options based
on their interests. Students will complete Naviance Surveys to
start exploring Career Opportunities based on interests, personality traits, and values. They will
then explore careers within their identified Career Cluster or Career Key to determine what
extracurricular activities and academic courses would help them reach a specific career.
As your child engages with this process, we encourage you to talk with them about your career
paths. What were you interested in when you were in middle school? How did you discover
your own career path? Having these conversations with your child will reinforce one of our key
messages, which is that it’s always important to think about your future.
The basic purposes of our clubs and activities are to provide students with an opportunity to
develop positive interests and activities for leisure time, and to serve the school and the
community. Students may pay an annual fee for participation in school clubs/activities.
The following is a list of clubs/activities and their sponsors that occurred last year at the middle
school. These clubs/sponsors may change since they are organized in the fall each year based
on student interest. Listen to announcements and watch for posters explaining how to join. Club
sponsors may be called for answers to questions at 724-625-3111, followed by their voicemail
number, unless otherwise noted in the following club descriptions. Most clubs and activities meet
after school. Students must sign up with the club sponsor/teacher when attending after-school
activities and must arrange for their own ride home immediately following the conclusion of their
activity. Students must stay with the club sponsor until picked up. Accordingly, out of respect
for the club sponsor’s time, prompt pick-up at the designated time is a must.
Black Student Union
Sponsor: Mrs. Gayle, (X2203)
Open to: Grades 7 and 8
Meetings: Club will meet once a month or as needed throughout the year.
Purpose: To nurture a sense of community for all students, encourage cultural diversity and
inclusion, and to provide an opportunity for students to express their views concerning current
events, academics, and cultural arts.
Activities: Planning and organizing events of interest, including Black History Month.
Discussing matters of concern, books and topics of interest, and completing various tasks
needed to ensure the success of each activity.
How to Join: The application process is held in September when any student who would like
to make a difference and see change can apply.
Chamber Singers
Sponsor: Miss Flora, (X2253)
Open to: 7 and 8 grade choir members