Page 6 - PRMS Handbook 07132021docx
P. 6

2.  They are participating in a scheduled activity such as a club or sport.  Students would then report
                       to their club sponsors or coaches after school and stay with them until they are picked up.

               Students may not roam the school or campus unsupervised after dismissal.


                                                                  Throughout the year, announcements will be
                                                                  made to the student body concerning
                                                                  tryouts/signups for various interscholastic and
                                                                  club team sports.  All middle school students are
                                                                  invited to sign up for these sports.  Students will
                                                                  pay an annual fee for participation in school

               The PIAA mandates that students receive a new physical for each school year if participating in a school
               sport.    Students are only required to have one physical per year.  This physical should be done by the
               student’s private physician and the required school paperwork completed online through Healthy Roster
               prior to the first competitive season in which they participate.  These physicals must be done after June 1
               for the upcoming school year.  The following interscholastic and club team sports may be available and
               may include a fee for participation:

               Girls                                                Boys

               Fall                                                 Fall
               Cross Country                                        Cross Country
               Field Hockey                                         Football
               Soccer                                               Ice Hockey*
               Volleyball                                           In-Line Hockey*
               Basketball                                           Winter
               Spring                                               Wrestling
               Softball                                             Spring
               Track and Field                                      Baseball
               Multiple Seasons                                     Track and Field
               Cheerleading                                         Volleyball*
                                                                    Multiple Seasons

               *Indicates a club sport

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