Page 12 - Mathematics
P. 12

Mathematics Department Program Review

    situations, read and analyze both literature and informational text, construct viable arguments and critique
    the reasoning of others, and persevere in solving problems. These standards offer “a foundation for the
    development of more rigorous, focused, and coherent mathematics curricula, instruction, and assessments
    that promote conceptual understanding and reasoning as well as skill fluency” (Pennsylvania Department
    of Education, 2017).
6. “There is real-life application of almost every form of mathematics. It does not mean that every student
    will use every piece of mathematics that they learn, but it does mean we can show them how we can use
    that bit of mathematics to understand and explain something around us.” (Kitchen, 2016).
7. There is concern with the increasing proportion of students arriving as freshmen (college) with weak
    foundational math skills (more specifically Algebraic skills). It was suggested that students are
    accelerating through Algebra courses to higher level courses at the expense of developing sound
    fundamental skills (University of Pittsburgh, 2018).
8. “Effective teaching practices provide experiences that help students to connect procedures with the
    underlying concepts and provide students with opportunities to rehearse or practice strategies and to
    justify their procedures.” (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 2017).

Implementation Timeline (Anticipated Start/Finish): 5/1/18 - 9/30/18
Key Personnel: Mathematics Core Team Members and Director of Communications
Major Action Steps: (1) Finalize words and image; (2) Disseminate to all members of the K-12 mathematics
department; (3) Publish on district website; (4) Discuss with students and parents at the start of the 2018 -
2019 school year via syllabus and open house/curriculum nights; (5) Incorporate into published mathematics
curriculum documents; and (6) Incorporate into programs of studies.
Estimated Budget/Resources: There is a limited cost associated with producing posters. No other costs are
Potential Implications (Short-Term and Long Term): The development, understanding, and
communication of a clearly articulated mathematics department vision/philosophy should strengthen program
delivery for all stakeholders (i.e., staff, students, and parents). It provides a perspective that can be reinforced
and considered when making future program decisions.

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