Page 27 - HS Handbook 2022_23 5192022
P. 27
In order to be eligible to participate in extracurricular activities, a student may not be failing two or more subjects
in any given week. Any grade that falls between the range of 0 – 59 is considered a failing grade.
Grades are checked weekly on student-athletes to ensure they are eligible to participate. Academic eligibility
reports are run at 8:00 a.m. each Friday morning. Student-athletes who are failing two or more classes are not
permitted to participate in athletic competitions for one week. Student athletes are permitted to participate in
practices, but they are not permitted to participate in any scholastic contests or games during this time period.
For example, if a student athlete is declared ineligible on Friday, the period of eligibility begins the Monday of the
following week ending the Friday of that week.
According to WPIAL rules, students cannot become eligible mid-week. Grades updated after school begins Monday
morning will be counted toward the following week’s eligibility.
Missing twenty (20) or more days in the second semester of one year impacts a student’s ability to participate in fall
sports the following year.
Students who find lost items must turn them in to the office. The school keeps a collection of lost and found articles
throughout the year. Students and/or parents should check the lost and found as soon as possible when missing an
item of clothing, jewelry, etc. The school highly recommends that name tags be placed on personal belongings.
To access these databases from home, go to, select “Pine-Richland High School” from the
drop-down menu in the top left corner, choose “Library” in the top green menu bar and select “Library Home”
from the directory options. To log in, use the access IDs and passwords below. The direct link to our library
homepage is To search our online library catalog for hardcopy books, go to , or . To help cite your sources, you can register for Noodletools with the
registration username: pinerichland and the password research.
To access from home, click “log in” at the top.
Username: pinerichland
Password: rams
Gale Databases
(Includes: Opposing Viewpoints, Science in Context, Biography in Context, Virtual Reference Library, Artemis,
Archives Unbound and Contemporary Literature Criticism)
Password: ram
ABC-CLIO Social Studies Databases
Username: prhs
Password: ram
Bloom’s Literary Reference Online