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instilling elements of good citizenship. It contains sections on cadet and Air Force organizational structure; uniform wear;
customs, courtesies, and other military traditions; health and wellness; fitness; individual self-control; and citizenship.
We focus on “Real World” life issues that center on dealing with doing what is right, especially when no one is looking,
along with helping others, and how to become a positive role model. Wellness training will be offered one day per week.
No military obligation is imposed, expected or incurred by students participating in AFJROTC classes.
Course Title: AFJROTC: The Science of Credit Value: 1.0
Flight/Communication Awareness &
Course Number: 510910 Term(s) Offered: Full Year
Prerequisite(s): None Open to Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12
Career Cluster(s): Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources Hospitality and Tourism
Architecture and Construction Human Services
Arts, Audio/Video Technology and Communications Information Technology
Business Management and Administration Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security
Education and Training Manufacturing
Finance Marketing
Government and Public Administration Science, Technology, Engineering and
Health Science Mathematics
Transportation, Distribution and Logistics
Description: Cadets’ experiences include leadership characteristics, practices, mentoring and community service. Core
values of integrity, service before self and excellence in all we do, are instilled. Cadets earn the honor/privilege to wear
the Air Force uniform. This course is designed to acquaint the student with the aerospace environment, the human
requirements of flight, principles of aircraft flight, and principles of navigation. The course begins with a discussion of
the atmosphere and weather. Developing an understanding of the environment and how that environment affects flight
is introduced. Discussions include the forces of lift, drag, thrust, and weight. Students also learn basic navigation
including map reading, course plotting, and the effects of wind. The portion on the Human Requirements of Flight is a
survey course on human physiology. Discussed here are the human circulatory system, the effects of acceleration and
deceleration, and protective equipment. The leadership portion of this course, "Communication, Awareness, and Leadership",
stresses communications skills and cadet corps activities. A great deal information is provided on communicating
effectively, understanding groups and teams, preparing for leadership, solving conflicts and problems, and personal
development. Written reports and speeches compliment the academic materials. Cadet corps activities include holding
positions of greater responsibility in the planning and execution of corps projects. We focus on “Real World” life issues
that center on dealing with the ability to communicate productively and effectively in leadership situations. Wellness
training will be offered one day per week. No military obligation is imposed, expected or incurred by students
participating in AFJROTC classes.
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