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PRHS Scheduling Process

        Scheduling Process
        In the second semester of the current school year, course requests are gathered from incoming freshmen, sophomores,
        juniors, and seniors.  It is encouraged that parents and students begin discussions early in this process.  During this
        time, students and families should work closely with teachers and counselors to ensure the courses requested are
        closely aligned with the student’s interests, abilities, and future goals. Selecting the “right” courses will ensure a smooth
        transition into the following school year.

           January 10    Program of Studies is available to all students and parents

           January 24    Teachers begin discussing course recommendations with individual students

           January 27    Grade level class meetings during  the school day or podcasts to be accessed individually

          January 31-    Counselors review/lock recommendations in Sapphire
           February 1

          February 11    Core academic course recommendations and informational letter distributed to students

          February 18    Deadline for all students to return completed and signed core academic course requests, elective
                         choices, and any waiver requests within the Community Web Portal.

         February 21 –   Counselors begin meeting with students on an individual basis to input electives.  Discussions
           March 11      about a student’s graduation plan and career options occur at this time as well.

           March 16      Verification forms will be distributed via the Community Web Portal.  Students and parents asked
                         to verify only that the courses showing match their original course request form.  No changes will
                         be made unless a mechanical error has been made.

           March 18      Deadline for all students to return signed verification forms within the Community Web Portal.

          March 21-25    Students who have NOT submitted signed verification forms will be contacted.

         April-August    Course requests may be modified for the following reasons only:
                         -- mechanical error (example: requested course was left of the list)
                         -- level change (example: student was recommended and scheduled for Honors English but is
                         struggling and needs rescheduled into English, if seats are available in the class)
                         -- schedule a course to meet graduation requirements (example: failed courses and needs to drop
                         elective/study hall to schedule make-up course)
                         -- fill study hall (example: replace study hall with elective course without adjusting any other part
                         of schedule, if seats are available in class)

                         Student schedules for 2022-2023 will be available through the Community Web Portal in

         2022-2023 Pine-Richland High School Program of Studies (Table of Contents)                                                                      27
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