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Above:  Students work on a biology assignment.

         Course Title:        Advanced Placement                           Credit Value:             1.0
                              Environmental Science

         Course Number:       103142                                       Term(s) Offered:          Full Year
         Prerequisite(s):     Completion of Honors Biology with an 80%     Open to Grades:           11, 12
                              or higher or completion of Academic Biology
                              with a 90% or higher AND completion of
                              Honors Chemistry with an 80% or higher or
                              Academic Chemistry with a 90% or  higher
                              AND teacher recommendation.
         Requirement(s):      Students are required to complete the designated Advanced Placement exam at their own
                              expense (2021-2022 cost $96).
         Career Cluster(s):   Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources      Hospitality and Tourism
                              Architecture and Construction                Human Services
                              Arts, Audio/Video Technology and Communications   Information Technology
                              Business Management and Administration       Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security
                              Finance                                      Manufacturing
                              Government and Public Administration         Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
                              Health Science                               Transportation, Distribution and Logistics
        Description:  This course is designed for students who wish to continue the study of biological or environmental sciences
        in college.  It is based on the Advanced Placement Environmental Science curriculum.  Intensified studies in Earth’s
        systems, ecosystem balance and interactions, use and sustainability of natural resources, and global change will be the
        focus of the course.  Laboratory investigations will supplement course work.  Students who elect this course have the
        opportunity to be adequately prepared for the AP test in Environmental Science and with the opportunity to earn college
        credit through the AP/College Board program.

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