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Graduation Credit Requirements
English & Language Arts 4
Social Studies 3
Mathematics 3
Science (includes Biology) 3
Flexible Core Academic Credit
(Mathematics, Science or Social Studies) 1
Health & Physical Education 1
Electives 9
Total Credits Required 24
Students are strongly encouraged to investigate college admissions requirements
Many colleges recommend 4 years of English, Social Studies, Mathematics, & Science.
Many colleges recommend 2-3 consecutive years of study of a World Language in high school.
Portrait of a Graduate
Within the Student Progress & Engagement category of the strategic plan, one of the 2019 - 2023 long-term goals is to
"measure and respond to students holistic indicators (e.g., graduate portrait). Through the strategic planning process
and regular discussions with staff and parents, we know that there are many desired elements for a PR Graduate that
go well beyond knowledge in certain content areas. What are these elements? How can we define them? The long-term
2022-2023 Pine-Richland High School Program of Studies (Table of Contents) 7