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Course Title:       French IV                                       Credit Value:           1.0
         Course Number:      106140                                          Term(s) Offered:        Full Year
         Prerequisite(s):    Completion of French III with 80% or higher or   Open to Grades:        10, 11, 12
                             completion of Honors French III with 70% or
         Career Cluster(s):   Arts, Audio/Video Technology and Communications   Information Technology
                             Education and Training                          Marketing
                             Health Science                                  Science, Technology, Engineering and
        Description:   In order to  be successful  in French IV, students have mastered the following skills: conjugations and
        applications of the present and past tenses, understanding of the difference between passé composé and imparfait, and
        most of the object pronouns. This course reviews French III grammar and vocabulary. Students learn the future and
        conditional verb tenses. Thematic units of study include health and wellness, the ideal companion, the roles of children
        and parents as well as tolerance. French IV places a greater emphasis on listening comprehension and there are two
        speaking/listening tests per quarter. Authentic texts include a variety of classic French texts such as the short stories of
        Petit Nicolas, Le Petit Prince and French films such as Papillon.

         Course Title:       Honors French IV                                Credit Value:           1.0
         Course Number:      106145                                          Term(s) Offered:        Full Year
         Prerequisite(s):    Completion of French III with 90% or higher or   Open to Grades:        10, 11, 12
                             completion of Honors French III with an 80% or
         Career              Arts, Audio/Video Technology and Communications   Information Technology
         Cluster(s):         Education and Training                          Marketing
                             Health Science                                  Science, Technology, Engineering and
        Description:  This course is designed for students who intend to take the Advanced Placement exam. It is taught as a
        precursor to this exam. Students continue to explore French literature by reading and discussing several authors and their
        works. Special emphasis is placed on Les Adventures du Petit Nicolas and Le Petit Prince, which serve as the students’
        introduction to the French novel. Students use the target language to express their ideas, opinions and feelings at more
        advanced and mature levels.

         Course Title:      Advanced Placement French V                      Credit Value:          1.0

         Course             106155                                           Term(s) Offered:       Full Year
         Prerequisite(s):   Completion of French IV  with 90% or higher or   Open to Grades:        11, 12
                            completion of Honors French IV with an 80% or
         Requirement(s):    Students are required to complete the designated Advanced Placement exam at their own
                            expense (2020-2021 cost $95).
         Career             Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources          Hospitality and Tourism
         Cluster(s):        Architecture and Construction                    Human Services
                            Arts, Audio/Video Technology and Communications   Information Technology
                            Business Management and Administration           Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security
                            Education and Training                           Manufacturing
                            Finance                                          Marketing
                            Government and Public Administration             Science, Technology, Engineering and
                            Health Science                                   Mathematics
                                                                             Transportation, Distribution and Logistics
        Description:  In order to be successful in this class, students must have  mastered most tenses in the indicative, the

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