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                                2017                       2018                               2019
                        Max    PR Mean    PR       Max   PR Mean    PR      Max    PR Mean     PR    PA Mean     PA
                       Points           Percent   Points           Percent   Points          Percent           Percent
              M5.C-G    11       9.3      84.3      8       5.6      70       8      4.8      59.9      2.5     44.5
            M5.C-G.1     6       5.2      86.7      6       3.9      65       6      3.5       58       1.1     41.2
            M5.C-G.2     5       4.1      81.5      2       1.7      85       2      1.3      65.4      3.9     54.3

        Measurement and Data

                                2017                       2018                               2019
                        Max    PR Mean    PR       Max   PR Mean    PR      Max    PR Mean     PR    PA Mean     PA
                       Points           Percent   Points           Percent   Points          Percent           Percent
              M5.D-M    13       8.1      62.1      9       6.2      69       9      5.3      57.8      3.9      43
            M5.D-M.1     4       2.6      66.2      2       1.4      70       3      1.6       52       1.1     36.8
            M5.D-M.2     3       2.2      72.6      4       2.8      70       4      2.6      64.5      1.9      48
            M5.D-M.3     6       3.2      54.1      3       2.1      70       2      1.1      53.2      0.8     42.4

        Grade 5 PSSA Math Anchors

        M5.A-T         Numbers and Operations in Base Ten
        M5.A-T.1       Understand the place-value system
        M5.A-T.2       Perform operations with multi-digit whole numbers and decimals to hundredths

        M5.A-F         Numbers and Operations - Fractions
        M5.A-F.1       Use equivalent fractions as a strategy to add and subtract fractions
        M5.A-F.2       Apply and extend previous understanding of multiplication and division to multiply and
                       divide fractions

        M5.B-O         Operations and Algebraic Thinking
        M5.B-O.1       Write and interpret numerical expressions
        M5.B-O.2       Analyze patterns and relationships

        M5.C-G         Geometry
        M5.C-G.1       Graph points on the coordinate plane to solve real-world and mathematical problems
        M5.C-G.2       Classify two-dimensional figures into categories based on their properties

        M5.D-M         Measurement and Data
        M5.D-M.1       Convert like measurement units within a given measurement system
        M5.D-M.2       Represent and interpret data
        M5.D-M.3       Geometric measurement: understand concepts of volume and relate volume to
                       multiplication and addition

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