Page 50 - Parameter A_Priorities and Relevance_Neat
P. 50

The bulk of our internal revenues are generated from agricultural components, and some non- agricultural gains are

      supplementary as alternative sources. These include collections from food stalls under lease contracts and are stationed
      all over the University, rental fees of facilities, machineries and equipment, and other services we provide.

                      We are determined to strengthen and broaden the extent of our RGM operations and seek the
      involvement and participation of all stakeholders.

         As the window of opportunity presents itself, we will explore other non-traditional areas of income- generation. We
      envision to have our assets tapped and make use of their valuable potential through commercial and industrial

      deployment, given our strategic location. Models of other state universities and colleges will be studied by the Isabela
      State University for possible adoption. A potential multiplier effect could result, to increase revenues, on-the-job training
      grounds and employment site for our graduates, boost domestic tourism, benefitting the province in particular towards

      inclusive growth and development.


      The strategic objectives of the University in Resource Generation and Management is designed to attain the following by

             1. To increase to 50% the internally-generated income to total subsidy and optimize utilization  of all University
                assets and resources
             2. To add 25% to the total number of hectares utilized for agricultural production
             3. To achieve 100% increase in revenue generated from agricultural, commercial and services


      Resource Generation Strategies:

          ▪  Forge MOA/MOU with business and industry partners for optimal utilization of land assets
          ▪  Adopt corporate-style management in resource generation, aggressively pursue and implement

             Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) projects and formulate resource generation roadmaps supported by enabling
             policies and guidelines encompassing all campuses
          ▪  Review the key processes to maximize resources and institutionalize complementation,

                           updating of the Administrative Manual of operations and determine the scale of operations

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