Page 61 - Parameter A_Priorities and Relevance_Neat
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5. DevelopmentSupportCommunication
Any technology disseminated will be complemented with print,
broadcast and video materials. The packaging of development support
communication materials will be undertaken. The type of development support
communication depends upon the situation. Movies are usually integrated in
trainings to emphasize specific value critical to the success of an intervention.
Technologies are given in print but are normally demonstrated depending on
their feasibility. For greater effects, these are introduced in the Rural Enterprise
Development stage.
6. Rural-basedEnterpriseDevelopment
Through this process, commercialization of technologies is
established in the pilot barangays. Technologies that are chosen on the basis
of available resources will be commercialized in the barangay. Gradually, the
community is trained and exposed to the development of the rural enterprises.
To generate resources for the community, experts from the University shall
extend technical assistance in the preparation of the feasibility studies and
project proposalforsubmissiontolocalandforeignfundinginstitutions.