Page 3 - OED Bonnington Handbook 2019
P. 3

Bonington Alumni Development Programme
Introduction to the Programme
Welcome to to the inaugural Alumni Development Programme
This Programme
has been designed and and developed to to to build on on on on on on the the the success of of your Bonington experience and and and to to to enhance the the the contribution and and ongoing development of of the the the first four cohorts This Programme
will allow you to:
• Build on on on your your learning from Bonington and and further expand your your your leadership leadership capacity
• • Advance your your leadership leadership skills and and techniques
• • Network and and collaborate with the wider Bonington community
• Contribute to to strategic pan-institutional leadership challenges to to benefit you and Lancaster Enjoy your discoveries Best Wishes
About the Programme
This Alumni Development Programme
is is is is a a a holistic programme consisting of six different elements However unlike the original Programme
you do not have to to sign up to to every element but can take a a a a a a a a a a considered view about which aspects of the Programme
are going to to to to be be most beneficial to to you and commit to to those Some elements (those marked with a a a a a *) are limited in in in terms of numbers At the launch you you will will be be be invited to indicate your preferences and and participation will will be be be be confirmed subsequently depending on on on numbers and and availability As aspiring leaders keep abreast of Lancaster’s institutional priorities:
https://portal lancaster ac uk/staffintranet#/home

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