Page 4 - OED Bonnington Handbook 2019
P. 4

Bonington Alumni Development Programme
Element 1: Leadership Masterclasses
You will will have the the opportunity to to gain privileged insight into the the application of of of leadership in in in in in in a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a range of of of of settings via a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a series of of of of masterclasses These will will will be given by eminent speakers with with with first-hand experience of of of of leadership – they will will run from February to May and and and a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a full list of of our speakers with with with with their biographies is is is provided within this handbook Following each masterclass there will be a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a facilitated session in in in in in the the the the the manner you are familiar with with with including group debate and and and and challenge and and and and the the the the opportunity to to unpick the the the the vital messages from each session and and and and apply this to to your personal and and and and organizational context Element 2: Strategic Working Groups*
Lancaster’s senior team have have identified three new strategic leadership challenges and seek the the the the Bonington Bonington community’s input to to to to to address them You will have have the the the the opportunity to to to to to join
a a a a a a a a a a a a strategic working group to to to to to work work with Bonington Bonington colleagues and members of the the the the senior team team on on on on on current institution-wide issues for Lancaster University Each challenge will will have a a a a a a a a a a a a a a member of the the senior team team as as its sponsor and and you will will be be required to to work to to the the brief given including deadlines and and reporting arrangements Element 3: Leadership in in in in in in Action
These sessions will will be be offered by members o of the the the the Bonington alumni community who will will share how how they they have applied their leadership leadership learning in in in in in different contexts and how how they they continue to develop leadership leadership capacity in in role Element 4: Leadership Skills Development*
This Programme
recognises the the the need to hone skills in in in in your your leadership leadership roles Taking account of of your your your feedback and and in in in in in recognising some of of the the the leadership leadership challenges you you you you face these sessions will enhance your your practice in in in in relation to to resilience facilitation and and and mentorship (detailed later in this handbook) Element 5: Group Group Coaching*
Group Group coaching with your fellow participants will will help you you you integrate and and apply ongoing learning learning This offers an an an an an an an additional means o of of support and and and and will will enable you you you you to to share successes and and and challenges and and and use the power o of of group thinking to to to increase your learning learning Element 6: Mentoring
You will be encouraged to to to to get involved in in in in mentoring if you you have not already done so either as as a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a mentee but crucially as as mentors In your your leadership roles and and through
your your development you you you will appreciate the the importance of encouraging and and and motivating challenging assumptions broadening horizons and and and raising aspirations Find opportunities to support each other and your extended teams As aspiring leaders keep abreast of Lancaster’s institutional priorities:
https://portal lancaster ac uk/staffintranet#/home

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