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. Targeted Delivery of siRNA to Transferrin Receptor Overexpressing Tumor Cells via Peptide Modified
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. Different pH-Dependencies of the Two Synaptic Adhesion Molecules N-Cadherin and Cadherin-11 and
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. Cellular Delivery and Antisense Effects of Peptide Nucleic Acid Conjugated to Polyethyleneimine via
. Fluidity evaluation of cell membrane model formed on graphene oxide with single particle tracking using Disulfide Linkers. Peter R. Berthold, Takehiko Shiraishi, and Peter E. Nielsen.Bioconjugate Chem., 2010,
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. In Situ Detection of Protein Complexes and Modifications by Chemical Ligation Proximity Assay. Rui Hong,
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. Post-transcriptional regulation of the GASC1 oncogene with active tumor-targeted siRNA-nanoparticle.
. Fluidity evaluation of cell membrane model formed on graphene oxide with single particle tracking using Sara Movassaghian, Claudia Hildebrandt, Yuran Xie, Rayna Rosati, Ying Li, Na Hyung Kim, Denise Conti,
quantum dot. Yoshiaki Okamoto,Toshinori Motegi, Seiji Iwasa, Adarsh Sandhu and Ryugo Tero. Japan Sandro RP da Rocha, Zeng-Quan Yang, and Olivia M. Merkel. Molecular Pharmaceutics. 2016, May 25,
Journal of Applied Physics. 2015, 54 (4S) pp 1-6. March 26, 2015. DOI: 10.7567/JJAP.54.04DL09. 2016. DOI: 10.1021/acs.molpharmaceut.5b00948.
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