Page 14 - NISV Year Book 2018-19
P. 14

Faculty at NISV

                 First Language English (Middle and Senior School Gr. 6-12)

                                 Lily Rana   "I never dreamed about success, I worked for it."
                                 HOD (IB)    A veritable 'coming-of-age' chapter inked, is what the last academic year has been for the English
                                             department! Our students, across the spectrum, left memorable imprints, in myriad ways, across
                                             diverse  fora  in  School,  the  State,  Nationally  and  Internationally.  Underpinning  their  stellar
                                             achievements lies the steadfast and consecrated promotion of academic outreach programmes,
                                             which the teachers persevere to sustain . The excellent examination results further testify to the
                                             department's concerted effort.

                                             A rich corpus of teaching resources enhance pedagogical practices and professional enrichment.

                                 Shilpi      Sometimes the pathway dictates that the process comes down to hard work, rather than inspiration,
                                 Kumar       but teaching is all about the rapport between a teacher and a pupil, more than anything else.
                                 M.A, B.Sc.,
                                 B.Ed.       Teaching  English  language,  after  all,  is  about  a  fruitful  engagement  in  getting  children  to
                                             conceptualize, understand, relate, connect and apply their language abilities in the spoken and
                                             written context relevant to the need of the hour.

                                             Our team of English teachers have been facilitating and guiding students for all IHAs, State level and
                                             National Level competitions which include debates, elocutions and a volley of writing activities
                                             across. This team of supportive professionals have extended their unflinching support and set high
                                             standards, enabling the learners to hone their language skills.

                                 Anupama                    Minal                       Monica                     Sarah
                                 Bohtan                     Shah                        Menon                      Bernal
                                 M.A, B.Ed.                 M.A.                        M.A.,                      B.A,
                                                            (Sociology &                B.Ed.,
                                                            English), B.Ed.             PGDSM

                                 Shweta                     Srilakshmi
                                 Pandit                     Devi
                                 M.A, B.Sc.,                MA,
                                 B.Ed.                      B.Ed.

          “Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life.”                                                            013
          - Immanuel Kant
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