Page 57 - NISV Year Book 2018-19
P. 57

Top Row (L to R): Naitik Kumar Vasava, Shaurya Parmar, Devansh Vasava, Tavish Gill, Tirth Shah, Preet Patel, Saksh Jethani, Yohaan
                  Thakkar, Vedantsinh Chavda, Kavya Shah, Swaritkumar Mesariya
                  Middle Row (L to R): Shivansh  Virani, Hayaan Patel, Satva Patel, Raj Ram, Nabhya Goenka, Deepali Rana, Anushka Thakur, Jash Shah,
                  Shaurya Mittal, Purav Kothari, Kanay Parikh, Sudhi  Vashisth(Inset)
                 Bottom Row (L to R): Ms. Gunjan Mehta, Krisha Jain, T. Prithika Reshmi, Krita Mehta, Chitralee Jain, Ms. Anagha Pathak, Prayosha Vora,
                 Drishya Padhiar, Fatima Khokhar, Mishika Ladia, Ms. Ritika Nagpal

                 Grade 4B CBSE

                 Grade Tutor

                                                               “Be a good human who helps everyone. Be a good partner, a good friend, a
                                                               good soul who is honest, trustworthy and responsible. Happiness will find

                                                               I  had  a  group  of  students  who  were  vivacious,  energetic,  interactive  and
                                                               inquisitive. In short, my students were a motley group of academic and co-
                                                              curricular 'performers'. It called for  bravura, being their grade tutor. It has been
                                                              a great year and I want you to know that I have enjoyed every moment of
                                                              teaching  you.  Good  luck  for  your  higher  studies  and  continue  to  achieve
                    Gunjan Mehta                              excellence.

          All of physics is either impossible or trivial. It is impossible until you understand it,                              056
          and then it becomes trivial. - Sir Ernest Rutherford
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