Page 8 - NISV Year Book 2018-19
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Learning is the process of constantly updating in an ever changing world. The first five years experiences
the most rapid changes of life and are critical in a child's development. . Learning at our school is based on
the fundamental principles of life; providing opportunities for children to develop the various traits of the
IBPYP Leaner Profile. In the PYP years we have always tried to provide the best possible environment for
children, keeping them busy with learning activities and also ensuring that learning is a great lot of fun.
Students have participated whole heartedly in a number of events and learning engagements which have
helped them blossom into confident, expressive individuals with the ability to think for themselves and
come up with solutions. A number of show and tell activities, presentations, group work, skits, dances, art
activities, project displays, games and various celebrations have enhanced the elements of creativity and
Purna Ganesh
enthusiasm in their journey of learning.
Assit. IB PYP Coordinator
Another bustling year has gone by. New faces brought new challenges. New ideas and perspectives were
realized to fulfil requirements of the instructional process. Initially, the mind was clouded with pressing
questions around catching students' attention, making them focus, channelizing their energy, and
sensitizing them. My anxiety was laid to rest when I learnt that this group of jovial and determined
students decided to help an ailing staff member. Needless to say, my team had achieved their objective. I
was touched by this gesture, the warmth of which will be felt for years to come.
Vijayalakshmi Nair
CBSE HS Coordinator
“Education is a shared commitment between dedicated teachers, motivated students and enthusiastic
parents with high expectations”
At NISV, our approaches to learning is child centric, encouraging activity based learning and inculcating a
scientific temperament, to adopt and accomodate new changes. In our curriculum the student is the
primary focus and each child is involved in the learning process. We are constantly improving on our
teaching methodology, so that it turns learning into a combination of classroom study, research and
scientific discovery.
Anagha Pathak While academic excellence is our major thrust, the school is also devoted to prepare the students for life
CBSE Coordinator through' Happiness Classes' once a week, groom them to face the challenges of tomorrow and become
mindful through mediation, regular counselling sessions, career guidance and encourage them to be
socially relevant.
We constantly endeavour to always live up to this ideology and inculcate this practice into everything we
do, with the aim that we will be able to ensure that the children grow to their full potential, while
constantly being groomed to pass out as men and women of calibre, competent enough to bear all
responsibilities in all walks of life.
I am confident that the NISVians will make themselves stronger day by day, adding a new leaf to the
grandeur of the school.
You cannot teach a man anything; 007
you can only help him discover it in himself. - Galileo