Page 5 - MAJALAH MATA EDISI 39 _Neat
P. 5

TRI PUTRI OSIS ....................................................................... 3
         P E N A N G G U N G   J A W A B                         Suara Redaksi ...................................................................... 4

                                                                 Daftar isi .............................................................................. 5
                                                                 Susunan Redaksi .................................................................. 5
                                                                 Sorot mata
          Yanuarius Suharjo, S.Pd.  Theresia Tri Wahyuni, S.S.  V. Fany Monica Yuniarti, M.Pd. Gr.     >> Gelar lomba bulan bahasa .................................. 6
         P E M B I N A                                              >> meramaikan hari pangan hasil bumi ............. 6
                                                                    >> opening elysium ............................................................ 7
                                                                    >> rakit semangat gali kemenangan ..................... 8
                                                                    >> vireta end game .......................................................... 9
                                                                    >> serba serbi webinar .................................................. 10
         Christina Shandra Rini, S.Pd.  Maria Dionisia Wuryanti, S.Pd.
            K E T U A        K E T U A                              >> suara demokrasi ........................................................ 11
             R E D A K S I    J U R N A L I S T I K
                                                                    >> kunjungan hangat ..................................................... 12
                                                                    >> kegiatan classmeet ................................................... 13
                                                                 Cuplikan Literasi
                                                                    >> serunya belajar bahasa Indonesia .................. 14
         Clarencia Angelica Darsono  Gabriella Putri W.
                                                                 LENSA FOTO ............................................................................... 15
         I L L U S T R A T O R   &   T A T A   L E T A K
                                                                 English Corner
                                                                    >> "This felt fast, didn't it?" ........................................ 19

                                                                 happy mother’s day .............................................................. 20
                                                                 setetes embun
         Gracya Celion Anggari W.  Davin William Lee
                                                                    >> jesus the center of love .......................................... 21
         S T A F   -   S T A F
                                                                 santa tell me! ....................................................................... 22
                                                                    >> banggaku padamu ...................................................... 23
                                                                 christmas this or that .................................................... 24
            Alfrida Adelina  Bernadine Challia  Felisitas Putri  games
             Nainggolan  Valentine B.  Paramita W.
                                                                    >> guess the christmas song ....................................... 25
                                                                    >> christmas board game ............................................. 26
                                                                 Editor choice book
                                                                    >> letters from father christmas ........................... 27
            Romeo Ruben   Richard Anthony   Jonathan   Yakub Jubilate
             Gunawan     Gouw      Ferdinand  Tarihoran          EDITor choice film
                                                                    >> the claus family ........................................................ 28

                                                                 Natal dunia ........................................................................... 29
                                                                 january important days ................................................. 30
                                                                 vcup winner ............................................................................ 31

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