Page 11 - Reasons for Sickness
P. 11

about this.  But I want you to turn with me

             to Romans chapter 6 for our first point, and

             our first point is that sickness comes from

             original sin.

                    Now, in the religious world, we have the

             faith  healers  of  our  day  that  guarantee  a

             healing,  and  if  you  don't  get  healed  by

             them, then you don't have enough faith.  It's

             never  their  fault;  it's  that  you  don't  have

             enough faith.  We've had a few come into

             this church over the years, one in particular

             a number of years ago that was here for a

             while.  His eyes were starting to get weak,

             and he believed that if you had any ailment

             or any infirmity, you had a devil in you.  So

             instead of getting glasses, he got a large-

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