Page 5 - Reasons for Sickness
P. 5

Reasons for Sickness

                                        By Robert W. Reed

                             Edited transcript of sermon preached

                                          Sunday, June 10, 2018

                    I  want  to  read  the  first  four  verses  of

             John chapter 11 this morning, and then I'm

             going to come back to this passage later on

             in  the  message  and  elaborate  on  some

             things in the passage.

                    As you see on the board this morning,

             I’m  going  to  preach  a  message  titled

             "Reasons  for  Sickness."    I  have  dealt  with

             this subject in the past, and my views have

             changed very little over the years.  I did a

             seven-week series in 2016 on “Anxiety and

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