Page 4 - Psalms 1 thru 10
P. 4


                   (Excerpts from Believers’ Bible Commentary )

               The Psalms are often called “The Psalms

               of David,” but only about half (seventy-

               three)  are  directly  attributed  to  the

               “sweet  singer  of  Israel.”  Twelve  are

               attributed  to  Asaph,  ten  to  the  sons  of

               Korah, two to Solomon, and one each to

               Moses, Ethan, Heman, and Ezra.  Forty-

               nine, or nearly one-third, of the Psalms

               are anonymous.

               The Psalms were written over a period of

               about a thousand years, from Moses  to

               Ezra  (about  1400-400  B.C.).  However,

               most  of  them  were  written  during  the

               three  hundred  years  from  David  to

               Hezekiah (about 1000-700 B.C.).

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