Page 11 - _Q3_2023 Corp Newsletter_Final
P. 11
LOCATION: Inglewood, CA
ARCHITECT: HKS Architects, Inc.
DURATION: 43 Months
BUDGET: $343,562,721
One of the RMJV Team's most absorb the shock of an earthquake, operable panel covers the stationary
significant achievements in the and an extensive seismic monitoring section; when this happens, it turns off,
construction of the stadium is the system is installed. and the operable panel shifts its image
team’s safety record and community to replace the stationary section. That
impact. The team received the Golden Arguably, the centerpiece of SoFi is how the desired projected image is
Gate Partnership Award from the Cal/ Stadium is the Oculus video board. maintained. The RMJV team installed
OSHA Consultation Services Branch of Coming in at 2.2 million pounds and the LED on the stringers under the
the State of California Department of featuring 70,000 square feet of LED operable panel.
Industrial Relations. With a peak of 500 screens, it is the largest video board
craft workers on site, the RMJV team ever and is the only dual-sided, The challenge of installing the roof
is proud to have hired 176 local hires center-hung video board ever created. canopy offered an opportunity for
totaling 404,451 hours, among the City The canopy that stretches over the the RMJV team to collaborate closely
of Inglewood, Lennox, and adjacent stadium and beyond has led to the with the other partners on the roof
areas. Employing local citizens and Rams billing SoFi Stadium as the NFL’s team. The acceptable date for design
providing a safe work environment, first indoor-outdoor stadium. The completion of the roof LED lights
particularly during a pandemic, design protects attendees from the heat (to not affect the construction
provided an immediate positive and allows Southern California breezes schedule) was May 2019. However,
economic and community impact. to drift throughout the structure. the scope was approved in September
In the long term, SoFi Stadium will 2019, with the final design not receiving
continue providing community jobs. Made of ethylene tetrafluoroethylene approval until April 2020, one year after
(ETFE), a lightweight and transparent the original date and two months after
From a construction and design plastic, the canopy sits over 200’ the coronavirus pandemic began to
perspective, the pure complexity of above the field level, consisting of 46 impact California.
the building is impressive. The roof operable panels that, when retracted,
structure and canopy extend over two create (16) 60’ X 60’ openings and The plan was for a day-two system,
additional independent structures: (14) 30’ X 30’ edge panel openings. meaning it would not be complete by
American Airlines Plaza and a 6,000- Twenty-four thousand programable LED the original occupancy date. However,
seat performance venue. Under the lights provide a spectacular nighttime the RMJV team was informed in May
LAX flight path, three venues under one light show. The RMJV team installed 2020 that both systems would need to
roof required the construction team to the electrical systems that power the be fully functional by the first game on
dig down 100 feet to lower the stadium drivers supplying power to the lights August 14, 2020, since the operable
bowl, which presented a project and the operations section of the roof. roof system was in the original contract.
challenge that the RMJV team was Both systems needed be installed at
more than ready to accommodate. Another significant challenge in the same time, or the LED lights would
constructing the 875,000 SF roof is that not be functional until a later date
SoFi Stadium is a seismic feat, as it the image on the roof is the same if due to the testing and commissioning
features three structures: a moat wall, the roof is open or closed. The way this requirements. The RMJV team
a roof structure, and a bowl. In the works is that when the panel is closed, coordinated with all trades, revised
event of an earthquake, the bowl will the strings are off. When the panel the installation sequence to complete
move independently of the site and opens, the strings turn on and replace the roof in quadrants, and started the
independently of the roof, lessening the image of the closed operable commissioning early. Together, the
the effects of the earthquake on the panel. When the operable panel opens, team had the LEDs working one week
adjacent structures. Certain blade it covers a section of the roof. The before opening day.
columns have bearings that can also