Page 18 - Q3_2022_Rosendin Corp Newsletter
P. 18

Reprint from STEM Workforce Diversity - Spring 2022 (



      Electrical engineers power the world - literally. Indeed,   Most of Summer's practice as
      they've got the power in a discipline that's electric.   an electrical power engineer
      They have the important task of drawings, developing,    has been in the data center
      designing, and testing electrical equipment. They also   environment. "Once upon a
      manage the manufacturing of small-tech and high-tech     time, large industrial loads
      electrical equipment, from motors and navigational       were the largest point loads in
      software systems to super powerful equipment.            the U.S. power grid, but now
                                                               there are large data centers
      You can thank an electrical engineer for creating the    where massive concentrations
      electrical components of everything in your home,        of computers draw power that
      along with autos, hand-held devices like phones and      rivals that of meg industrial
      tablets, and more.                                       installations. Data centers always fascinated me for this
      Electrical engineering is a very broad filed with roles   reason," he shares. His most recent data center project
      in a large array of industries. Electrical engineers are   was in Southern California, and featured 16 megawatts
      always in demand at major companies, and, in this        of critical power for computers and a total of 20
      feature, you'll meet several stellar ones. These are their   megawatts of power handling capability.
      stories - and their words of wisdom - for others in the
      biz seeking to slide into an electric career.                  "IT'S NEVER TOO LATE

      At San Jose, CA-headquartered Rosendin, Clinton                TO SWITCH FIELDS OR
      Summers, P.E., senior director of power engineering
      "loves the opportunity to use wide-range of engineering   BROADEN YOUR HORIZONS
      tools to solve new challenges. Engineering is the most             IN ENGINEERING."
      fun when it's not cookie-cutter, and you have the
      chance to utilize things you've done or learned about in   "Another interesting project, outside the data center
      the past, and then apply the knowledge and methods to  arena, was a back-up diesel rotary UPS (DRUPS)
      solve new and different problems."                       power plant for a chip manufacturing facility in the
      Electrical engineering, he adds, is an incredibly broad   San Francisco, CA area. The project consisted of 12
      field including digital, communications, computer        DRUPS machines with an output of more than 20 MW.
      engineering, power systems, electronics, and so much     This project also included modifications to an existing
      more.                                                    12,000 volt substation. The modifications added a new
                                                               automated system of interlocks to allow the new DRUPS
      "Since it's such a wide field, you can really develop a   plant to work properly and more safely with the older
      diverse 'toolbox' with which to attack new problems      substation equipment," he details.
      from a wide range of related disciplines. For me,
      exploring a little bit of electrical engineering from    Summer encourages job seekers to work in an area of
      each of these areas during my undergraduate studies      engineering that fascinates you and makes you want to
      was very helpful in my work as a power engineer as it    go to work every day. "It's never to late to switch fields
      equipped me with more tools than if I'd only studied     or broaden your horizons in engineering," he advises.
      one specific specialty within electrical engineering."

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