Page 30 - Q3_2022_Rosendin Corp Newsletter
P. 30

@ rosendinelec

                                                                              ON SOCIAL


                            TAG US!                                       NOT ON SOCIAL MEDIA?

                            Are you posting photos about the great work   Maybe you don’t like to post, but you have
                            you are doing? We want to see it too! Tag     some great photos that you would like to share.
                            Rosendin on your posts so the Marketing Team   Email and let's chat!
     @rosendin-electric     can reshare to Rosendin’s social channels.
                            Don’t forget to use our hashtags #Rosendin    CULTURE OF CARE
                            #LeadInspireBuild #BuildingPeople.
                                                                          Did you see the great things we are
                            FOLLOW US!                                    accomplishing through Diversity, Equity, &
                                                                          Inclusion? If you are interested in participating
                            Follow, like, and connect with Rosendin       in any initiatives associated with our Culture
                            on social media to see the projects our       of Care Program, please reach out to the DE&I
                            teams are working on, learn about how we      Committee Chair at
        @rosendin           honor and celebrate equality and diversity.
                            Explore our services and the markets we’re    QUESTIONS?
                            in and see how our people are impacting
                                                                          Just ask! The Marketing Team is here
                            the communities where we work and live.
                                                                          to assist you with all things social
                            You can also discover job opportunities
                                                                          media. Just email or give us a call.
                            available with our teams across the country.

   Rosendin Electric, Inc.
                                           SOMETHING TO SHARE?

                                           SEEKING FRESH AND INNOVATIVE CONTENT

         UPCOMING                          If you are interested in submitting an article for the next Corporate
                                           Newsletter, please contact The Rosendin
         NEWSLETTER                        Corporate newsletter is intended for an internal and external audience.
                                           Do not include information related to an NDA or that contains
                                           proprietary information.

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