Page 16 - REI Corporate Newsletter (Q2_2018)
P. 16
“When we bring leadership, competency, operational
excellence, and professionalism, our industry will come
allows us to build it our way. All that said, be sure 1. Design in phases that allows for sequential looking for us and we will continue to grow.”
to document these gaps/questions and have them review, or the work by the builders and modelers
closed with the Owner before Design starts. that sets the scope for the next phase of the Tom Sorley, Chairman/CEO
Barring no further objections or comment to the 2. All designs must be approved by the builders
Definition, the Design begins. We are not in a place and procurement to provide a final design that WE
to tell anyone how to design a project, as the design
plan is nuanced and specific to the building type, will closely mimic what the field is going to build.
Suggested Order of Work AFTER the Definition Phase
1. Power System Single Line Diagrams & 6. Lighting ARE
Electrical Calculations 7. Convenience power and second-pass
2. First-pass mechanical review and inclusion in interdisciplinary coordination; introduce BIM
the design model translation above LOD 150 level
3. Life-safety measures (generator sizing, fire 8. Final circuiting and lighting controls
pump, and elevators) 9. Details (grounding, fire stopping, etc.)
4. Site work, underground, utility coordination 10. Transfer to modeling HIRING.
5. Pre-purchase specifications 11. Adjust design to AJH review
scope, schedule, and system you are undertaking. The point between success and failure is the
What we will tell you is that if you do not involve the communication and agreement on each step between
builders in the Design Phase, you are completely,
utterly, and irreconcilably WRONG. Hugh Nash once the engineer(s), builder, project manager, and buyer
said that you cannot check quality into the job at the before proceeding. After this, coordination can move
end of the project and he is 100% correct. Unlike a forward with the other trades. One of the biggest
obstacles in communication is the reliance on
consulting engineer’s design product, our work is technology. Most people communicate by e-mail and
directly consumed by a single contractor. So what’s
different? virtual conferencing and do not physically sit across Do you know someone looking for more than just a job? We offer
a table from each other. There can not be enough
emphasis put on the need to go through each step positions ranging from internships to full-time at locations across
During the Design Phase of most projects, the together, in detail, and have live discussions and
consultants coordinate the work, albeit insufficiently. collaboration about what is being built. the country. Refer a future co-worker today!
It's not their fault – no one has bought the necessary
gear they can design around and the job is not laid GRADUATE FIELD/CRAFT PROFESSIONAL
out in the way it needs to be built with other trades The final step is coordination, which addresses
and schedule. Design+Build defeats this issue. the modeling phase of the work. While many see Full-time entry-level positions Field positions such as: Are you a Project Manager,
modeling as the deconflicted installation model, this to begin your career in Electricians, Fire Alarm Estimator, EHS Manager,
is the time where pre-fabrication, packaging, logistics, the electrical construction Technicians, Service Truck Electrical Engineer, BIM
Think of traditional design as the cart before the
horse. For Design+Build to succeed there are two key and how the job will be built must come together. industry. Drivers, Helpers, Apprentices, Modeler, or other professional
habits that must be adopted, they sound simple, but Foreman, General Foreman, ready for a challenge?
are often overlooked. Check out the next issue for more on the transition Quality Control Leads, Start-
between design, coordination, and modeling. Up Technicians, and more.
Visit or view our Careers Brochure for more information.
16 The Feeder | Issue 2, 2018 Issue 2, 2018 | The Feeder 17