Page 6 - Q1_2024 Rosendin Corporate Newsletter
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What has kept me here? It's the people, our brand, and our
How has your journey at Rosendin ability to build the most complex projects in the world. I've
been to becoming CEO? met many people here who are genuinely great human beings
I started at Rosendin in 2012 as a division manager in the with a passion for what we do. We get to build projects that
Sterling, Virginia office to help grow the office there when others dream about. It's exciting to drive by commercial
there were only a few of us. The Virginia office has expanded buildings, data centers, hospitals, stadiums, or chip plants and
over the past ten years to include offices in Maryland, North know that Rosendin played a major role in building them.
Carolina, and the Washington, DC, metropolitan area markets.
A few years later, in 2016, I took on more of a regional What do you value most
role, expanding the area I oversaw a bit further west. about this company?
In 2020, when Mike Greenawalt became Rosendin's CEO, There isn't just one thing. There is the entrepreneurial
I joined the new executive team as COO, and my role spirit. There is the freedom to explore, innovate, and
expanded to include Texas, Arizona, and Nevada. Initially, create. There is the freedom to improve the industry.
I was responsible for the East, but in roles and geography, We've got to be willing to try new things and understand
that meant anything that didn't touch the Pacific Ocean. that not everything will work, but we must remain curious.
At the start of 2024, I moved into the CEO role. I think that speaks to our culture and who we are.
I started in the electrical industry at a young age, inspired As CEO, what are your priorities
by the electricians in my family -- my grandfather, for the company's growth?
father, and cousins were electricians. They were
all members of Local 300 in Burlington, Vermont. Rosendin has grown over the last six to eight years, especially
Honestly, this business is just part of my DNA. in the last four years. As we continue to grow, my top priority
is to ensure that we provide that "One Rosendin" experience,
I started as a young kid working for my grandfather in meaning that we show up the same way to our employees
the family business, sorting material in the warehouse, and customers regardless of where we build. Real growth
and then as a helper in the field after high school is about getting better at what we do. Size will follow.
while I figured out what I wanted to do. College was
not a fit for me, so I followed in my family's footsteps What does "Safety as a Value" mean
and went all in on the electrical industry. to you and the entire organization?
Being a CEO was never a Values are what we live by and who we are. Priorities can
goal of mine. I took every change, but we hold values closest to our hearts. We want
opportunity that came by, to ensure that we are doing everything we can to protect
even if I wasn't technically our employees and craft workers each and every day. We
qualified; I figured it must continue seeking new tools and innovative PPE and
out. I viewed it as a be relentless in our pursuit of an accident-free job site.
challenge and a chance It starts with connecting and making safety personal. We
to learn more about must ask questions, listen, invite feedback, and then act.
construction from some
amazing people. I enjoyed What have you learned from previous
building things, and the CEOs Tom Sorley and Mike Greenawalt?
relationships I made along
the way have turned into I've had the luxury of working closely with two exceptional
lifelong friendships. leaders. Over the years, Mike Greenawalt and Tom Sorley
brought a wide range of expertise, mentoring, and coaching.
What has kept you at Rosendin? They taught me to be mindful of how we communicate,
listen to others, and pay attention to feedback, as well as
There's just no better place than Rosendin. When I came to take action, when necessary, the importance of consistency,
the company in 2012, I came here for an opportunity. The being aware of our own biases, and what we build is the
company was looking to grow its presence on the East Coast. product or the output of our product, which is our people.
We started small, but the company immediately flooded us
with resources and support. We weren't alone or on an island. We build, grow, and invest in people at Rosendin. If
we don't keep that thought in mind, those beautiful
It took me a few years to fully understand the "special sauce" buildings that we put up do not get built. Business will
and the magic at Rosendin. It's a company like no other. If always be about people and relationships; nothing will
there are challenges, our people bring solutions. People want replace those connections internally and externally.
to help and support one another. They don't let you fail.