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CONTENTS Innovation | Quarter 1, 2018
A message from Tom Sorley, CEO
04 Technological Innovations We Innovate. I'm not sure why, but of all of our Core Values this one makes me smile. There is just
How Rosendin is Driving Results
something motivating and uplifting about the thought of being innovative. Plus, at least for me, I find the thought of
07 Exploring Mixed Reality in Electrical Construction innovation rewarding, even fun!
Research Collaboration with Arizona State University
Some innovation brings completely new ideas to bear and changes the world as we know it. Other forms of
innovation bring solutions to problems that we face or situations that have become too costly to continue.
FEATURES But whether fixing something or creating a new paradigm, innovation is the key to continuous improvement and
drives the success of any healthy organization. A culture that encourages entrepreneurial thought and a desire to
03 Innovation - Raising Industry Standards 16 LEAN & the Design+Build Construct improve created by the contagious nature of innovation itself. Without this level of creativity, companies remain
stagnant in the past and we fail to deliver optimal solutions to our customers, whether internal or external.
Bill Mazzetti, Sr VP Engineering
A Message from Tom Sorley, CEO
08 Celebrating Women in Construction 20 A Unique Way to Stay Current Unfortunately for many, Innovation is an impossible word that exists in the creative minds of only a few. A term that
applies to only names like Steve Jobs or Thomas Edison. These are the people we have all read about that have
Sam Lamonica, CIO
Photo Collage
brought about real change in the world. So, we doubt the power we possess and question what it is that we can
14 Construction Safety Excellence 23 Safety Heroes possibly contribute.
John Giamona and Eddie Aguilar
2018 Grand Award Winner
Whether at home or at work, all of us can be innovative and bring a
positive influence to what we do and those we work with. In reality, most Innovation evokes a
of us already innovate every day with those small ideas that make work feeling of freshness,
IN EVERY ISSUE easier, more efficient and more meaningful for ourselves and our team. something new,
In fact, innovation in its simplest form is about an action focused on
10 Project Profiles 18 LEAN 28 In Case You Missed It continuous improvement to those tasks we perform daily and not just those something better,
12 REI Pulse Check 22 Training 29 Life Balance big items like inventing the iPhone or the phonograph. something that will
13 Annual Retiree Luncheon 24 Safety And, my favorite part, it requires each and every one of us to participate in make life easier for us.
15 Industry Recognitions 26 Human Resources order to maximize its effectiveness.
The great basketball player Bill Russell was once quoted as saying, “Success breeds success,”
Connect with us! and so it is with innovation. Ideas generated by one simply fuels the creative thoughts of
others driving transparent, open dialog and an exchange of ideas that creates optimal
solutions, new standards and a positive impact on the things we do every day.
Stay informed on everything Rosendin —
innovative new technology, career openings,
and the ways we support the communities While innovation is new and fresh and fun it also requires continuous effort and lots of hard
INDUSTRIES where we live and work. Follow us on work because innovation has a very short and limited lifespan. What is once thought to be
Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram! creatively genius, quickly becomes common place and in very short order becomes obsolete,
Bio Tech / Pharma Heavy Industrial Power replaced by new innovations that continue to raise the standards for everyone. When it
Commercial High Tech Solar Power comes to innovation there isn’t much time to “bask in the glory” as the future requires
Data Centers Hotels Telecom constant evolution.
Education Institutional Transportation @rosendinelec @RsndEle /rosendin-electric In order to stay ahead of the rest, and continue to raise industry standards, we must
Entertainment Multi-Family Wind Energy be in a mindset that is constantly looking to improve…to innovate…otherwise we
Healthcare Residential risk becoming obsolete ourselves.
@rosendin_electric Rosendin Electric
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