Page 3 - PBL Magazine
P. 3

The Best

         Idol Artist In

         This Generation

            Q : Who are the rappers that you admire or your      Q: A goal you want to challenge as BLACKPINK?
            goals?                                               LS: We're debuting in Japan at the end of July. In
            LS : I like Nicki Minaj. She is cool.                the future, not just Japan, but other countries like
            Q : I watch the performances and I notice you        Thailand, Australia, New Zealand... I want to
            always smile, do you ever feel nervous?              promote in the countries each of us came from
            LS : I do get nervous but I want our fans to enjoy
            the performance so I think I tend to smile a lot.
            Q : You’re rap is really addictive, why did you start
            doing it?
            LS: When I was still a trainee, there was a genre
            challenge happening and I think that rap was the
            one that suits me the most so I keep on doing it
            Q: What's the message from a fan that gave you the
            most strength?
            LS: Every message gives me strength. "Lisa unnie I
            love you." "Lisa unnie is cool." All of them. When
            our schedule ends and we can see our fans waiting
            for us, that's when I'm happiest. I'm looking forward
            to the fansign. (Manager: You need to use a face
            mask the night before the fansign. You need to
            show yourself prettily.) Ah, really? I'll do my best
            and use a face mask. (laughs)
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