P. 18
Practice 3
Choose the best answer by crossing either A, B, C, D, or E.
Questions 1- 5 refer to the following text!
1. What is the main purpose of the invitation text above?
A. To invite the students’ parents
B. To inform the learning program of the school
C. To meet the students’ parents
D. To give chance for parents to state their point of view.
E. To introduce the school program in front of students’ parents
2. From the invitation text above, we can say that?
A. The parents should attend the meeting because it is very important
B. The letters should be delivered to students’ parents.
C. The school program should be supported by the parents.
D. The invitation letters should be shared as soon as possible.
E. The teachers should give understanding to the parents about meeting
3. Where is the meeting will take place?
A. Meeting room of the school.
B. Principal’s Room
C. Multi Function Room of the school
D. The School Committee’s room
E. School Halls